Sunday, September 4, 2016

Doing What He Says..

Walk in obedience to all that the Lord  your God has commanded you.—Deuteronomy 5:33
I needed an underground water tank and knew precisely how I wanted it constructed, so I gave clear instructions to the builder. The next day when I inspected the project, I was annoyed when I realized that he had failed to carry out my instructions. He had changed the plan and therefore the effect. The excuse he gave was as irritating as his failure to follow my directives.
As I watched him redo the concrete work, and as my frustration diminished, a guilty conviction swept over me: How many times have I needed to redo things in my life in obedience to the Lord?
Like the ancient Israelites who frequently failed to do what God asked them to do, we too often go our own way. Yet obedience is a desired result of our deepening relationship with God. Moses told the people, “Be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you . . . . Walk in obedience to all that [he] has commanded you” (Deut. 5:32–33). Long after Moses, Jesus urged His disciples to trust Him and to love one another.
This is still the kind of surrender of our hearts that leads to our well-being. As the Spirit helps us to obey, it is good to remember that He “works in [us] to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Phil. 2:13). —Lawrence Darmani
Lord, thank You for second and third chances. Please help us to want to follow Your ways and to follow through in obedience.
The closer we walk with God, the clearer we see His guidance.
INSIGHT: The Bible’s overarching story is the loving God reaching down to rescue His broken, rebellious creation and His ultimate expression of love in His Son, Jesus. Jesus Christ came to rescue and restore us to the relationship with the Father we lost in the fall. Deuteronomy, which is part of that story, is the final book of the Pentateuch, the opening five books of the Bible. These books form the platform for the entire Bible, which is God’s instruction to us. They are also known as “the five scrolls” and, in Judaism, as theTorah (the “instruction” of Moses). They cover both a long and short period of human history.
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Monday, August 15, 2016

A Legacy Life...

A good name is more desirable than great riches. —Proverbs 22:1
While staying in a hotel in a small town I noticed that the church across the street was having a service. People were jammed into the church with a standing-room-only crowd of both young and old flowing out onto the sidewalk. When I noticed a hearse by the curb, I realized it was a funeral. And given the crowd, I assumed that it was the celebration of the life of some local hero—perhaps a wealthy businessperson or a famous personality. Curious, I said to the desk clerk, “That’s an amazing turnout for a funeral; it must be for a famous person in town.”
“No,” he replied. “He wasn’t rich or famous but he was a good man.”
This reminded me of the wisdom of the proverb that says, “A good name is more desirable than great riches” (Prov. 22:1). It’s a good idea to think about what kind of legacy we are leaving for our family, friends, and neighbors. From God’s perspective it’s not our resumé or the amount of money we’ve accumulated that matters but rather the kind of life we have lived.
When a friend of mine passed away, his daughter wrote, “This world has lost a righteous man and in this world that is no small thing!” It’s that kind of legacy that we should be seeking for the glory of God. —Joe Stowell

Saturday, August 13, 2016

When We Don’t Understand...

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord . —Isaiah 55:8
Although I depend on technology every day to get my job done, I don’t understand much about how it works. I turn my computer on, bring up a Word document, and get to work on my writing. Yet my inability to comprehend how microchips, hard drives, Wi-Fi connections, and full-color displays actually function doesn’t get in the way of my benefiting from technology.
In a sense, this mirrors our relationship with God. Isaiah 55:8-9 reminds us that God is far beyond us: “ ‘My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord . ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’ ”
Even though we don’t understand everything about God, that doesn’t prevent us from trusting Him. He has proven His love for us. The apostle Paul wrote, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). Trusting that love, we can walk with Him even when life doesn’t make sense. —Bill Crowder
Heavenly Father, thank You that although I cannot comprehend You, I can know You. I’m grateful. Remind me that even though You and Your ways might be beyond me, I can always count on Your love for me and Your presence with me.
Share your story of God’s faithfulness

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Top 10 Leadership Competencies...

What are the most important leadership skills? How many do you possess?
Posted Apr 27, 2014
Managers, aspiring managers, and top-level leaders are all concerned with developing the competencies they need to become more effective leaders. More than 100 years ofleadership research has outlined the successful skills and abilities that are associated with leadership effectiveness. Here are my top 10, derived from our own research and the broader research literature. 
1. Social Intelligence (SI). This is not only one of the best predictors of effective leadership, but it is poorly understood and under-researched. Social intelligence is quite broad, but can best be seen in terms of understanding of social situations and dynamics, and ability to operate effectively in a variety of social situations. Our research suggests that social intelligence, which we define as a constellation of social performance, sensitivity to social situations, and role-playing skill are critically important for effective leadership.
How to develop SI? Expose yourself to different people, different social situations, and work to develop your social perceptiveness and ability to engage others in conversation.More on this here.
2. Interpersonal Skills. Interpersonal skills could be seen as a subset of social intelligence, but these are the more relationship-oriented aspects of social effectiveness. We often talk about the “soft skills” of the leader, and these are best represented by interpersonal skills.
How to develop interpersonal skills? Become an active listener, work on conversational and speaking skills, (join toastmasters; networking groups), and work on your personal relationships with friends, relatives, and your significant other. These skills will generalize to workplace relationships. More on soft skills here.
3. Emotional Skills/Intelligence (EI). A complement to social intelligence, emotional intelligence is our ability to communicate at the emotional level, understand emotions and emotional situations, and be in tune with our own emotions. These are particularly related to leadership “charisma.”
How to develop EI? Practice “reading” others’ nonverbal cues, particularly cues of emotion. Learn to regulate and control your emotions and your emotional outbursts. Practice expressing feelings and become an effective emotional “actor” – learning how to express emotions appropriately. More on emotional communication here.
4. Prudence. Prudence is one of Aristotle’s cardinal virtues. A synonym is “wisdom,” but it comes from being able to see others’ perspectives and through being open to and considering others’ points of view.
How to develop Prudence? Listen to others. Work to be more open and more broad minded. Learn to ask for others’ opinions and consider them as you choose a course of action.
5. Courage. A second cardinal virtue is “Fortitude,” or courage. This is having the courage to take calculated risks and the courage to: (a) stand up for what you believe; (b) do the right thing.
How to develop Courage? This takes some effort, but is rooted in developing and holding onto strong personal values. If you truly value something or someone you will have the courage to stand by your principles (and your people). More on leader virtues here.
6. Conflict Management. This is a “higher order” interpersonal skill that involves helping colleagues to avoid or resolve interpersonal conflicts. Leaders are often called upon to adjudicate when members are in conflict, but it also involves having the ability to either avoid or resolve your own conflict situations.
How to develop Conflict Management Skills. There are courses and workshops available to help you understand and learn conflict management strategies. A big part of conflict management is helping conflicting parties to collaborate (a win-win outcome) or to compromise (each party needs to be flexible and give up something).
7. Decision Making. One of the core competencies for leaders is the ability to make good decisions or lead a good decision making process. There are better and worse ways to make decisions, and a good leader understands when to make a decision, when to consult subordinates or peers and bring them into the decision making process, and when it’s time to step back and let others decide.
How to develop Decision Making Skills. Experience and studying when decisions have gone wrong and gone right is the best way to hone these skills. We often learn more from our mistakes than from our successes.
8. Political Skills. Let’s face it. Every group or organization is, at its core, full of politicking. People will try to bend rules, gain allies, push their personal agenda, etc., in order to try to get ahead. An effective leader is a good political player, who knows how the game is played, but can also manage political behavior so that it does not lead to group or organizational dysfunction.
How to develop Political Skills. Similar to many of the more highly-developed leadership competencies, political skills are learned through experience and learning about people and social dynamics.
9. Influence Skills. At its core, leadership is about influencing others, so a great leader is a master of social influence, and able to wield power effectively and fairly.  Calling on your interpersonal ("soft") skills can make you much more influential in a leadership role. 
How to develop Influence Skills.  Training in debate helps with making reasoned, well-thought-out arguments.  Seeing things from another's perspective can help you understand what they want from a negotiation, and allows you to focus on win-win situations.
10. Area Expertise/Competence. Many people might list this first, but in today’s world, knowledge of all aspects of the job is not as important as it used to be. In high-tech industries, or creative firms, team members may have more relevant knowledge and expertise than leaders. Still, it is important that leaders develop their expertise in the particular situation, organization, or industry in which they lead.
How to develop Area Expertise. Like all of these competencies, development is a lifelong process. Effective leaders gain expertise and competence and try to learn as much as they can about their product, their organization, and their team members. Study the organization. Study competitors. Continue your education
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Thursday, August 11, 2016

No Fear...

The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.” —Luke 2:10
Nearly every time an angel appears in the Bible, the first words he says are, “Do not be afraid” (Dan. 10:12, 19; Matt. 28:5; Rev. 1:17). Little wonder. When the supernatural makes contact with planet Earth, it usually leaves the human observers flat on their faces in catatonic fear. But Luke tells of God making an appearance on earth in a form that does not frighten. In Jesus, born in a barn and laid in a feeding trough, God finds at last a mode of approach that we need not fear. What could be less scary than a newborn baby?
Puzzled skeptics stalked Jesus throughout His ministry. How could a baby in Bethlehem, a carpenter’s son, be the Messiah from God? But a group of shepherds in a field had no doubt about who He was, for they heard the message of good news straight from a choir of angels (2:8-14).
Why did God take on human form? The Bible gives many reasons, some densely theological and some quite practical; but the scene of Jesus as an adolescent lecturing rabbis in the temple gives one clue (v. 46). For the first time, ordinary people could hold a conversation, a debate, with God in visible form. Jesus could talk to anyone—His parents, a rabbi, a poor widow—without first having to announce, “Don’t be afraid.”
In Jesus, God comes close to us. —Philip Yancey
I’m humbled, Lord, that You would come near to me. But I’m grateful. Thank You.
For further study read Is Jesus God?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field which a person finds… – Matthew 13:44
       In January 1991, my officemate, Perci, invited me to their weekly prayer meeting. I obliged and joined their worship and listened to the talk. During the sharing portion, I had the boldness to share, “I feel that this is where I belong.” I felt I was home and they were my family.
       Through the years as a member and servant of The Light of Jesus Family, I’ve learned a lot from the teachings, seminars, workshops and trainings of the community. I’ve served in various ministries. I’ve found God in people I’ve met and in the service that I do.
       I believe that I have found my greatest treasure — a personal relationship with God who loves me unconditionally, who forgives me unendingly, who searches for me untiringly, in a community that helps me in my journey to holiness and wholeness. Meann Tee
Reflection: What do you value most in life? Have you found your greatest treasure? God is searchable and reachable. He is waiting for you to receive His love and forgiveness.
Father, thank You for helping me find my greatest treasure — You. May I help others find theirs, too. Amen.


For in truth it was the Lord who sent me to you, to speak all things for you to hear. – Jeremiah 26:15
       Let’s admit it. It’s difficult to take correction from others. Or put in another way, it is hard to acknowledge the errors of our ways when others point them out to us. We don’t like to be told we are wrong. More so, if we strongly believe there is really nothing wrong!
       In today’s First Reading, this is exactly how the religious leaders felt when Jeremiah exhorted them and their community to reform their lives. So much was their indignation that they wanted Jeremiah executed. Their pride got the better of them. They saw Jeremiah as meddlesome and failed to realize that he was actually a bearer of good news.
      Today’s reading challenges us to rethink our response when someone disagrees with us or points out what he thinks is our mistake. It also challenges us to acknowledge that maybe we needed to hear that correction. It reminds us to set aside our pride and be open to the criticism and correction by not reacting to them but responding with love and understanding. We will be the better person for it. Erwin Roceles
Reflection: “Never assume that every critic is a hater. Not everyone is hating on you. Some people are telling you the truth.” (Unknown)
Dear Lord, grant me the grace to accept my many shortcomings, especially those that others have graciously pointed out to me. I pray that I may learn from them and strive to be better in my ways. Amen.


Think of what is above, not what is on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. – Colossians 3:2-4
       After eating our Sunday dinner in a Chinese restaurant, my mom asked us if we wanted to get a massage. Of course we said yes.
       We went to a spa near our house. The receptionist said that there were three masseuses available. This was a problem because there were four of us, my parents, myself and my younger brother.
        We didn’t have the energy to look for another spa so I said, “It’s OK, go have the massage. I’ll go home.” My brother quickly said, “Yey! Thank you. I really I wanted a massage.” He thought that he would have to give up his massage since he was the youngest.
         I went home smiling because I was able to make my brother happy.
       Giving up my privilege and comfort made me happy because I was able to express my love for my brother. JPaul Hernandez 
Reflection: When was the last time you gave up something you wanted but didn’t really need?
Father, help us to be more sensitive to the needs of other people, especially the ones we love. Help us to love Your people more. Amen.


For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. – Matthew 16:25
       The man we know as Saint Francis of Assisi was not always so “saintly.” In his young adulthood, he lived a life of partying and pleasure, very carefree. Being born into a rich family, he had everything a guy could want. But because of a series of events, Francis realized that he wanted to change. He decided he would live for God. He left the lavish lifestyle he led. He began to give away his belongings and upon his interpretation of Jesus’ message in a vision, he even sold his father’s expensive fabrics to help rebuild a chapel. His father disapproved of Francis’ behavior, so Francis cut himself off from his family completely, literally taking the clothes off his back. He lived in poverty while ministering to the needs of others, later on becoming one of the more popular and well-loved saints, so much so that our Pope has taken on his name.
       Our worldly attachments — riches, popularity, vanity, pleasure, pride — are things that can hinder us from focusing on
what is truly important. In denying all these, Francis found a life of meaning. In giving up all he had, he gained eternal life. Like St. Francis, may we find ourselves detached from this world, and immersed in His work, that we, too, can be called “saints” one day.Geraldine G. Catral
Reflection: What do you truly value in life? How is it drawing you closer to God?
Lord, You are my true treasure. May I be ready to give up all for You.


They became frightened when they entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my chosen Son, listen to
him!” – Luke 9:34-35
       My son, David, is visually impaired. He could only see with his left eye when he was born. When he was four, he needed to undergo a corneal transplant to save his left eye. His body rejected it. He underwent another one and it failed again. I was so disheartened. I thought this operation was the answer to our prayers for my son to be able to see.
       There are times in our lives when we’re so sure that this was God’s answer to our fervent prayer. Then something happens that dashes our hopes to the ground. When you find yourself in this predicament, trust that God is bigger than your problem. He is in control. Always.
       As for David, I don’t really know how much he can see now. But this much I know — he can play Temple Run with his iPad and get really high scores while I can’t even get past 10 points. He can play Mario Kart games on Nintendo DS with his eye one inch from the screen. Oh, and he told me this afternoon that his crush wore a beautiful red ribbon on her hair today! Yes, I have a big God. Ronna Singson-Ledesma
Reflection: “Clouds are the sorrows, sufferings or providential circumstances... which actually seem to contradict the sovereignty of God. Yet it is through these grey clouds that the Spirit of God is teaching us how to walk by faith.” (Oswald Chambers)
Lord, may I always listen to Your voice whenever I find myself engulfed by a cloud of uncertainty.


Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more. – Luke 12:48
       You must have heard it a thousand times, but I’m saying it again here. “With great power comes great responsibility.” And yes, you must have heard it from Spiderman (or Uncle Ben or Stan Lee). But hey, it’s solidly biblical after all!
       Sometimes you may regret knowing too much, having too much, or having become somebody. Because along with the blessings is your conscience prodding you to do more because of the “more” that you have. I call that “holy disturbance.”  Because when you’re disturbed, God will give you peace. But when you’re too peaceful (and comfortable), God will disturb you. Whether you’re a fisherman, a doctor, an employer or a church volunteer, there will always be the call to do something  with what you have — for others.
       It doesn’t matter if you were entrusted with millions, thousands, hundreds or even with just 10 or one. The ultimate question is, what did you do with it? In the end, your true peace and joy will come only from fulfilling your life’s purpose using everything you’ve got. And you just can’t retire from who you truly are! Alvin Barcelona
Reflection: How, where and for whom are you using your gifts?
Lord, may I use the blessings You give to fulfill Your great purpose and plan for me.


Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights, praise him, all you his angels; praise him, all you his hosts. – Psalm 148:1-2
       Two weeks ago, I shut down my social media connections and went offline. As someone who purposely reads the news every morning, I had become fearful of the current events that littered the Internet. Plane crash. Outbreak of disease. War and retaliation. I began to ask so many questions. Why was this happening? Is this the kind of world that God envisioned?
       Disturbed by my own lack of faith, it took a few days before I realized that you must first face the problem to find a solution. So I came back online and the bad news didn’t disappear. But in between, friends got married. Beautiful babies were born. Celebrations were shared and achievements proudly applauded. And then I saw it. The same line, although phrased in different ways, was always visible somewhere within the captions of these posts. Thank You, God, for this blessing. And it all made sense. He creates both small and great miracles every day.
       So do not doubt Him. Praise Him instead for the good that is present in this world because, together, we can make this world a better place. Eleanore Teo
Reflection: Do you focus on the sins of the world or the beauty by God’s hand?
Lord, I place my hands together not only in prayer but in applause and glorification of Your work.


He rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray. – Matthew 18:13
       It looks like a harmless and stylish wristwatch, but it’s actually a device that tracks steps, distance and calories burned. My husband and I immediately wore it and started a bond that’s extremely difficult to break without feeling a sense of defeat. With the use of LED lights, it shows us how we stack up vis-a-vis a daily goal — steps, calories or distance. It automatically syncs the data to my laptop and smartphone, giving real-time access to our stats, 24/7. Knowing how close I am to reaching my goals gives me the motivation to reach for them and aim higher.
       If this is the kind of commitment that I am willing to make to my health, how much more can be expected of me as a follower of Jesus? On my own, it’s difficult. But by God’s grace, I have committed myself to be counted as one of the 99 who chose not to wander off. Faith lights up like the scoreboard on my wrist, challenging me to be more committed day after day. Mari Sison-Garcia
Reflection: What can you do on a daily basis to deepen your commitment as a follower of Jesus?
Lord, give us the grace to get closer to our goal of attaining eternal life with You.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Design for Seismic Tie Beams...

Design for Seismic Tie Beams

Per ACI 318-08 section – “Grade beams designed to act as horizontal ties between pile caps or footings shall be proportioned such that the smallest cross-sectional dimension shall be equal to or greater than the clear spacing between connected columns divided by 20 but need not be greater than 18 inches. Closed ties shall be provided at a spacing not to exceed the lesser of one half the smallest orthogonal cross-sectional dimension and 12 inches.”
But ACI is not telling us that what force these tie beams should be designed for, so here is the IBC 2009 section to tell us that:
IBC2009 section 1809.13 for shallow foundations and 1810.3.13 for deep foundations:
for SDC C, D, E or F, ties shall be capable of carrying, in tension or compression, a force equal to the lesser of the product of the larger pile cap or column design gravity load times the seismic coefficient, Sds,divided by 10, and 25 percent of the smaller pile or column design gravity load. (there is more in this section so please read the code before applying this to your case)
In simple words Tie beam force; FT = Larger of ( Pu_large x Sds /10 , Pu_small x 25%)

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Method Statement for Earthworks, Excavation and Backfilling.

Table of Contents

1.             Scope /Objectives
2.             Reference
3.             Access/Egress
4.             Logistics
5.             Health and Safety Hazards
6.             Definitions
7.             Responsibilities / Supervision
8.             Procedures /Method to be Employed
9.             Training
10.          Working hours
11.          House keeping
12.          Manpower Requirement & Supervision
13.          Material Requirement
14.          Plant & Equipment Requirement
15.          Q.C Approvals and other Documentation
16.          Supporting documentation
17.          Distribution
18.          Other information
19.          Site Safety Engineer’s Approval
20.          Attachments (Compulsary)
·      Risk Assessment
·      Inspection and Test Plan
·      Quality Control Check Lists


         This Method Statement outlines the procedures for Earthworks, Excavation and Backfilling.


Contract Drawing and specification

2.1    QCS Section 12 Earthworks and Particular Specification Clause 5.2
2.2    AMTC HSE Guidelines
2.3    British Standards – BS 1377 : Test on Soils
2.4    Project Specs, Section 12 - Earthworks


Access will be through designated entrance and exit pathways.

4.       LOGISTICS                                                                       

Contractor will deploy a dedicated team for the earthwork, excavation and backfilling.

Contractor will comply with all safety measures as applicable to project safety requirements.
5.1    Excavations shall be inspected daily by Section Engineer / Supervisor / Safety Officer.
5.2    Excavation shall be re-inspected after rainstorms, earthquakes or any other hazard increasing occurrences.
5.3    A convenient and safe means of access such as stairway, ladder or ramp shall be provided for employees to enter and leave the excavated area.
5.4    Safe crossings shall be provided over trench excavations.
5.5    Before opening any excavation, all underground services shall be identified and the Supervisor shall explain to the employees all the necessary precautions that need to be taken in the work preparation.
5.6    In no case the excavated material shall be placed closer than 600mm from the edge of the excavation.
5.7    Excavations shall be provided with warning barricades.  Deep excavation to be barricaded with flashing lights during night.
5.8    The sides of excavations shall be sloped in order to avoid sliding of sand / earth.
5.9    Personnel Protection Equipment’s shall be used at all the times.


AEB – Arab Engineering Bureau (Consultant/Engineer)

AMTC – Abdullah Al Muftah Trading and Contracting Co., w.l.l (Main Contractor)

MS – Method Statement

QCP – Quality Control Procedures

ITP – Inspection and Test Plan

ITA – Independent Testing Agency


The works will be undertaken by AMTC with a competent workforce to do the works conforming to the project specifications through the following responsibilities.

7.1 Project Engineer shall be responsible for the execution of this procedure and to ensure that works are undertaken in a safe manner to the requisite quality and to the time agreed timescale. He shall advise and coordinate with other contractors pertaining to access and interface requirements related to the excavation works to be undertaken.
7.2 Site Engineer shall be responsible for the site implementation of this procedure including control and the safety of the workers.
7.3 QA/QC Inspector shall be responsible for the supervision of tests and inspection, control approvals for testing    and inspection plan and to arrange documentation required.
7.4 The Surveyor in coordination with site engineer has the responsibility to perform all survey works according                to the IFC drawings.
7.5 Safety Officer shall be responsible for the strict implementation of safety procedure during work commencements.



a.       Excavations shall be inspected daily by the Site Engineer / Supervisor / Safety Officer.
b.       Excavation shall be re-inspected after rainstorms, earthquakes or any other hazard increasing occurrences if any.
c.         A convenient and safe means of access such as stairway, ladder or ramp shall be provided for employees to enter and leave the excavated area.
d.        Safe crossings shall be provided over trench excavations.
e.        Before opening any excavation, all underground services shall be identified and the Supervisor shall explain to the
                employees all the necessary precautions that need to be taken in the work preparation.
f.          In no case the excavated material shall be placed closer than 600mm from the edge of the excavation.
                 Excavations shall be provided with warning barricades.  Deep excavation to be barricaded with flashing lights during
g.       The sides of excavations shall be sloped in order to avoid sliding of sand / earth.
         8.2 Setting out

a. Setting out of surveyed stations to be carried out from the approved control stations provided by BEST Bureau of Engineering Studies and temporary benchmarks. The extent of excavation shall be marked with the provision for working space and slopes for deep excavation. Level +3.0 QND as the starting level of the excavation.

b. Existing underground services are to be exposed and identified by hand excavation. These will be as-built and incorporated to the new services which will be formed as the combined services drawing. 
Proposed works to be done shall be submitted for Client approval.

        8.3 Sequences of Excavation will be executed as follows :
• The whole area will be scraped by bulldozers up to rock formation level which is the bottom of raft foundations/footings.
•The isolated foundations will be excavated down to the top level of hard rock.
•The foundations Pool Annex will be excavated -1.17M QND Level. The foundations for Main Villa will be excavated -0.82M QND Level. The Swimming Pool will be excavated -0.185M QND.

        Excavation level will be the bottom of foundation plus blinding thickness. 
        Backhoe/Excavator equipment will be used for excavation of desert fill materials
        Limestone / rock strata will be by excavator / rock breaker.

Excavated blinding levels will be tested for the required bearing capacity by relevant tests.

Hand Tools shall be used to do manual excavation as required.  Care to be taken to protect existing structures / underground services if any, while excavating adjacent to them.

Heavy equipment will not be allowed to access whenever the required excavation/formation level is reached to avoid disturbance of the strata.

        Independent Testing Laboratory shall be submitted to Client for approval.

8.4 Backfilling

Backfilling to be carried out around the structures in 250 mm thick layers with approved fill material.  Compaction will be done by jumping rammers / rollers / plate compactors as required to achieve the required minimum of 95% MDD.  Moisture content of the fill will be maintained within +/-3% of Optimum Moisture Content to achieve compaction requirement as per Clause 3.5 of QCS Section 12 Part 3.

The density of any layer requiring compaction shall be determined in accordance with the specifications at a minimum rate of one test per 100 meter run or 500 meter square, whichever is less.

The oven drying of soil and aggregates samples for testing shall not be carried out at a temperature in excess of 60° C and 100° C respectively.

The minimum frequency of density testing shall be 1 test per 500 m2 of prepared area or tests shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer.

8.5 Disposal of Materials

Excavated materials will be stockpiled on a designated place as agreed with the Engineer.

Suitable material arising from the excavation shall be screened and used for backfilling.  Unsuitable excavated material shall be disposed to an approved Government tip off location.

9.       TRAINING
Relevant trainings and orientations have been provided to person who will perform their specified task.


The working hours will be from 6:00AM to 6:00PM as agreed, with break time in between.

Working Areas will be kept clean by disposing the waste materials at the designated areas.  At the end of  days’ work, installation supervisor will ensure that the debris are disposed off.



Dump truck


Follow approved Method Statement, ITP, QCP, HSE Plan, Material Approval & Checklist.

This MS to be read in conjunction with the below referenced documents

·         Contract Specification & approved drawings.
·         Project Quality Plan
·         Project HSE Plan


Copies of this MS will be circulated to the following for Information & action
·         Project Manager
·         Site Engineer
·         QA/QC Engineer
·         HSE Engineer


               Ensure that all the activities have been carried out to suit the site conditions and involved
                                                                          With Site –in – charge




Approved subject to compliance with the following notes

Not Approved – with reason

19.    ATTACHMENTS (Compulsory)

Risk Assessment
 Inspection & Test Plan
Quality Control Check Lists