Wednesday, August 10, 2016


For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. – Matthew 16:25
       The man we know as Saint Francis of Assisi was not always so “saintly.” In his young adulthood, he lived a life of partying and pleasure, very carefree. Being born into a rich family, he had everything a guy could want. But because of a series of events, Francis realized that he wanted to change. He decided he would live for God. He left the lavish lifestyle he led. He began to give away his belongings and upon his interpretation of Jesus’ message in a vision, he even sold his father’s expensive fabrics to help rebuild a chapel. His father disapproved of Francis’ behavior, so Francis cut himself off from his family completely, literally taking the clothes off his back. He lived in poverty while ministering to the needs of others, later on becoming one of the more popular and well-loved saints, so much so that our Pope has taken on his name.
       Our worldly attachments — riches, popularity, vanity, pleasure, pride — are things that can hinder us from focusing on
what is truly important. In denying all these, Francis found a life of meaning. In giving up all he had, he gained eternal life. Like St. Francis, may we find ourselves detached from this world, and immersed in His work, that we, too, can be called “saints” one day.Geraldine G. Catral
Reflection: What do you truly value in life? How is it drawing you closer to God?
Lord, You are my true treasure. May I be ready to give up all for You.

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