Sunday, July 31, 2016



Type of Test: Plate Load Test

Date of Test: 31.01.11

Dimensions of Foundation/ Test Pit:
Area of Pit: 1.0m X 1.0m
Depth of Pit below existing ground level: 0.75m

Dimensions of Plate for Plate Load Test:
Area: 0.45m X 0.45m
Thickness: 0.025m

Test Arrangements
1.    Foundation Pit shall be excavated up to a test pit depth of 0.75m.
2.    Test plate of given size of 0.45m X 0.45m and 0.025m thickness shall be placed on the prepared sub-base with provisions of 02 dial gauges to note the settlements with least accuracy count of 0.01mm.
3.    Bearing plate is placed on the test plate over which hydraulic jack is located.
4.    Another bearing plate is placed over hydraulic jack which act as load transferring media.
5.    Further, the system is loaded with point load pattern so that the net load in punching is applied on to the plate without any eccentricity. Point load can be a loaded excavator or loaded lorry or kentledge system, etc.

Loading Criterion
1.    Load is increased in increments of 25% of the ultimate load carrying capacity until it reaches the ultimate load intensity (ultimate load intensity is either given or assumed) or the total settlement of the plate is 25mm or the soil under the plate fails whichever occurs earlier.
2.    Settlement of the plate is recorded by dial gauges of minimum accuracy of 0.01mm fixed at diametrically opposite ends.

Unloading to check Rebound
1.    Entire load is removed quickly but gradually and the plate is allowed to rebound when no further rebound occurs or the rate of rebound becomes negligible the reading of the dial gauges are again noted.


1.      From the data obtained during cyclic plate load test, the elastic rebound of the plate corresponding to each intensity of loading is plotted. The settlements of the foundation pertaining to the particular load intensities are computed along with plots.

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